Youth Band

The Arbroath Instrumental Youth Band has been in existence for over 20 years and was originally created by Raymond Pattullo, a former conductor of the Arbroath Instrumental Band.

The conductor of the Youth Band is Ann Ness, former principal cornet player of the Arbroath Instrumental Band. Ann has conducted the Youth Band since 1996. Ann has played for Arbroath Instrumental Band since 1970 and followed in her father, Vic Lewis’s footsteps, as a principal cornet player and former president of the band.

Since Michael Robertson took over as musical director of the senior band in 1998, the Youth Band has blossomed with a membership now of more than 35 young players, almost all taught by Michael Robertson himself.

Over the last 10 years the Youth Band has hosted its own annual concert and these have been well attended and a huge success financially as well as musically. The band also play a part in the senior band annual gala concert and perform concerts in their own right
The band won the Development Section of the Scottish Youth Band Championships (aged 16 and under) in 2008 and 2013 under their former conductor Ann Ness.

In 2016 Ann handed over the baton due to work commitments to Bob McDonald and in 2017 the band undertook a successful trip to Yorkshire to work with Leyland Band and the world famous conductor Richard Evans

The band held a successful Christmas concert in December 2017 and are preparing for their own annual event later in the year with more trips hopefully planned in the future