Author: Ann Ness

Band success at Scottish Championships 0

Band success at Scottish Championships

After a long covid shutdown the band’s membership was under threat when we reconvened in August 2021. A lot of members, like other bands, had left for universities and colleges or had simply lost...

Success at Scottish Youth contest 0

Success at Scottish Youth contest

The band are delighted over the weekend to report on the success of some of its young players in the Scottish Youth Brass solo & Ensemble competition. Holly Bennett, (baritone) was crowned under 21...

Gala Concert Success 0

Gala Concert Success

The annual Gala Concert took place in St Andrew’s church on Friday 13th September. This was the first concert under both of our new conductors, Bruce Wallace and Dean Bromage (Youth Band). Both bands...

New Musical Director appointed 0

New Musical Director appointed

The band and committee are delighted to announce the appointment of Bruce Wallace as our new Musical Director. Bruce began his musical career on trombone with the band in the 1980’s and is a...